AFC Intern & Therapist Academy
In 2 years, you can be an AWESOME therapist.
We love our Interns! We accept a few select interns each semester- and are a CACREP approved intern site. We offer unmatched supervision, training and support, for the crucial last phase of your education.
Call or fill out the contact form for more info!

Are you a newly licensed therapist, fresh out of grad school- trying to decide where to land? It's important to begin your career in a place that gives you support, guidance, balance and experience- to prepare you for your role as a clinical counselor.
If you have an interest or passion for couples, marriage and sex therapy, see what we offer you.
Many of our clinicians come to us with past experience of heavy caseloads, unrealistic demands, and poor support. AFC's unique approach creates an environment conducive to learning that puts your personal and professional development front and center from day one.
AFC has a strategic initiative to foster a culture of continuous professional development to help you level up professionally and clinically. We remove the barriers that keep you from doing what you love- and do best
- seeing your clients.
We provide you with:
Employment & Supervision
Flexible client load, minimum of 15 weekly
Unlimited supervision offered weekly and monthly-you never have to hunt down a supervisor for an issue.
Dedicated supervisor to guide you through the process
Assistance with tracking hours and progress for independent licensure
Continuing Education (CEUs)
We offer approximately 20 CEU's per year, 40 per license renewal cycle, free of charge. Classes focus on clinical, ethical and specialty topics in marriage, couples and sex therapy. Best practices are utilized so that you have everything that you need to become a professional, ethical therapist with a specialty focus on couples & sex.
Learning and setting intentional boundaries with clients and self
In person vs online best practice, ethics and professionalism
How to effectively use supervision
Learning to be confident in your skillsets and knowledge of behavioral health, using strengths and weaknesses as learning tools
Clinical documentation, assessments, progress notes
Legal & ethical issues in counseling
Proper and ethical use of technology
Trauma-informed care
Cultural competency
Working with couples
Professional development
Gottman basics
Motivational Interviewing
Clinical models of sex therapy
Affairs, infidelity and emotional betrayals
Divorce, Discernment Counseling and co-parenting
Optional topics depending on interests