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EMDR &Trauma


We offer EMDR and Hypnotherapy for treatment of Trauma, including Complex Trauma and PTSD. Some of the common reasons for trauma are "Attachment" and "Sexual Trauma":
Girl with Leather Backpack


Sometimes a child's primary care giver does not meet all of that child's needs when there are growing up. These deficits can cause long term core beliefs about self and others that will affect relationships. For example, if a child was ignored or neglected, they may have trouble trusting others, managing emotions or maintaining healthy relationships. 

What is EMDR therapy?

If you feel like this describes you, you might be interested in EMDR.  Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an extensively researched, effective psychotherapy method proven to help people recover from trauma and other distressing life experiences, including PTSD, anxiety, depression, and panic disorders.

EMDR therapy does not require talking in detail about the distressing issue or completing homework between sessions. EMDR therapy, rather than focusing on changing the emotions, thoughts, or behaviors resulting from the distressing issue, allows the brain to resume its natural healing process.

Sexual Trauma

Rape, molestation and sexual, emotional or physical abuse may cause problems with intimacy, vulnerability and manifest as bedroom issues. 

EMDR therapy is designed to resolve unprocessed traumatic memories in the brain. For many clients, EMDR therapy can be completed in fewer sessions than other counseling methods.

Please note, we do not bill insurance for EMDR, so all costs are out of pocket at our self pay rate. We offer EMDR as an adjunct to your therapy, for a short, prearranged length of time (typically 4-6 weeks)

or as an intensive-


Intensives are simply several EMDR sessions at the same time, usually a half day, full day or several days within a week's time. This gives you the opportunity to get through your trauma faster and most effectively.

If you are interested in EMDR, our intake process is a bit different- please fill out the interest form and we will be in touch with additional information. 

For more info, watch the video from

If you are looking for more information about our EMDR Therapy Services, please fill out the form below or see our affiliate site at
EMDR Therapy Solutions

Trauma Interest Form

Please fill out the following form to determine if EMDR is right for you

In the last 6 months, has there been a recent suicide or self harm attempt?
Are you looking for weekly sessions or an intensive?

Thanks for submitting!

Copyright © 2021 Albuquerque Family Counseling. All Rights Reserved

Our Location
8500 Menaul Bl NE

Suite B460
Albuquerque, New Mexico
(505) 974-0104

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